International Trading Company Urmia Sea Salt & Mud

Touch The Miracle of Nature

We have all your health and nutritional needs.

We provide the best quality salt and mud for our customers worldwide

with over 15 years of experience harvesting and processing salt and mud from Urmia sea to homes and clinics, you can trust us with your taste and hea

Quality and Quantity

People often ask us how do you provide quality products with this big quantity?

We always say; identify consumers’ needs + unique raw materials + hi tech processing + continuous effort are our strengths.

We exactly hear the voice of our customers

we are taking care of your body, mind and spirit

The Customer is our king

Your satisfaction is our goal

Best cleaning services helping customers worldwide.

Our Team

Along with high knowledge, continuous training, technical abilities, sufficient tools and special raw materials, we have brought you the best products.
We invite you to use two of the blessings of God; Urmia Salt & Mud

Urmia Sea

Urmia Sea is in the northwestern corner of Iran and is one of the largest permanent hyper saline sea in the world.

We wish you happiness and health

Sunwish International Trading


Hi amount of minerals beneficial to body, black plastic shape, cure of many diseases, free of any heavy metals, high heat absorption, multiple organic matter and etc., make it the best mud in the world.


Hi amount of minerals beneficial to body, pure white crystals, cure of many diseases, free of any heavy metals, high salinity and etc., make it the best salt in the world.

Urmia Sea

Urmia Sea is in the northwestern corner of Iran and is one of the largest permanent hyper saline sea in the world.
This sea is the finest sea for medical treatments, the second sea for salinity and sixth largest salt sea on the earth.

Medical And Cosmetic

For medical treatments, rejuvenation, relaxing, exfoliation, beautification, analgesic, skin care, calming and etc., properties of urmia salt and mud, these products are suitable raw materals for cosmetic and medical products.

Salt and Mud

In recent years there has been much interest in natural elements therapy, defined as a treatment with the natural elements of a specific geographic location.

The use of salt and mud for medical treatment is probably as old as mankind and one of seas that have medical salt and mud is Urmia Dead sea.



Persian blue salt.

The unique, rarest and most precious of salts is Persian Blue salt and produced from a single seam running through an ancient salt lake bed in Iran.


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We Will Take Care Of You, Promise